This is one of the only great 3D Sonic games to exist.

User Rating: 10 | Sonic Colours WII

Sonic's adventures in the recent years have been questionable whether it is Sonic 06 when Sonic had to save Princess Elise (Sega ripped off the Super Mario Bros' storyline with Sonic 06), Sonic Unleashed when he turns into a werewolf-hedgehog hybrid or Sonic and the Black Knight where he wields a sword. But Sonic Colors is in my opinion, the best Sonic 3D game to ever be released. Sonic Colors starts when Tails and Sonic go to an amusement park in space created by Dr Eggman (well THAT doesn't sound dodgy, does it?) because Eggman says that he has "changed his ways". Sonic and Tails soon find out what this is really about and go to stop Eggman themselves.

This Sonic game is awesome for many things like the graphics, the environments, the wisps, the humor, the music, the multiplayer mode and the challenging stages. This is what older Sonic 3D games should have looked like in the past (especially Sonic 06) with the stunning visuals and everything. I think that when it comes to Sega, sometimes they make Sonic games which range from a few good games like Sonic Colors or Sonic Rush Adventure and mostly mediocre or average games like Sonic Heroes and Sonic 4: Episode 1 or even really crappy games like Sonic Lost World 3DS or Sonic R.

The only flaw is that Sega weren't very creative with the boss fights at all.

But this will still remain the best Sonic 3D game of all time. I think that Sega should make more great 3D Sonic games like Sonic Colors as firstly, it can make competition with franchises like Mario and secondly, Sega have struggled to make a decent 3D Sonic game and so far the only other 3D Sonic game I like is Sonic Adventure 2: Battle.