Sonic Colors is a highly enjoyable game despite it's flaws, reaching a level of quality the series hasn't seen in years.
What really sets Sonic Colors apart from similar games and the other recent games in this series, however, is the wisps. The different wisp power-ups allow for some very interesting level designs in some levels. Wisps are also well implemented in other levels, providing an extra layer of variety and depth without being obtrusive. Different variations of wisps may not be immediately available in some levels either, giving players even more reason to revisit earlier levels.
The biggest flaw of Sonic Colors' gameplay is the boss fights. The boss fights in Colors are interesting at first, but unfortunately the latter half of the boss fights are very similar to the first half. You will fight essentially the same boss you've faced earlier with some minor changes. The exception to this is the game's final boss battle, which I will not spoil here, but I will say that it's a very interesting and enjoyable battle, if a little short.
Colors also has 180 red rings to be collected, and collecting these unlocks in game extras. Most of this is limited to the game's "Sonic Simulator" mode, either in allowing you to play as your Mii characters in said mode or by unlocking more levels for the simulator, but collecting all of them unlocks something that long time fans will most likely appreciate, though I do not wish to spoil that surprise here.
Sonic Colors also benefits from the high production values that it's series has consistently possesed. The graphics in this game are very high quality, especially for a Wii game, and the environments can be quite beautiful. Sonic Colors is almost as nice to look at as it is to play.
Sonic Colors' high production values have also lead to a very high quality original soundtrack. All of the instrumental themes in this game fit their respective levels quite nicely and can be a joy to listen to for those interested in instrumental music. The Vocal themes are not as universally enjoyable, but are solid pieces in their own right. The lyrics, though cheesy, fit the series and it's protagonist quite nicely, and the vocals are fine by most standards. The new voice cast is solid as well, though long time fans may take a while to get used to Sonic's new voice.
Sonic Colors has learned from the series' past titles and does not try to take it's story seriously. The cutscenes in this game, though occasionally cheesy, are fairly entertaining, if somewhat forgettable. There seems to be a misconception that this game's story contains slapstick comedy, though that isn't the case. Cutscenes can be skipped by pressing any button followed by the start or plus button for those who are not interested.
Sonic Colors does have a few flaws other than the boss fights, though. The jump in the platforming sections is slightly floaty at times, though a player of even average skill will not have any trouble with this, and any positioning changes this causes can be corrected using Sonic's second jump. Colors' main story is also quite short, generally taking only 5 to 6 hours. There are some odd difficulty shifts as well, with a few levels being noticeably more difficult than the rest of the game.
Sonic Colors is an excellent game despite a few flaws, providing fast-paced thrills as well as strong platforming and an interesting gameplay twist in the form of wisps. Sonic Team will be hard pressed to top this game for Sonic's twentieth anniversary next year.