some great games, and some not so great games.
sonic cd is debatibly the best sonic game ever made, and is the best game included in this set. they used the pc version(which i also own) instead i believe, because the game has the option of exiting back to the main menu, like most computer games do. this game was the first sonic game to have animated cutscenes, and included many great new ideas.there were over 50 levels altogether, because each stage had a past, present, good future and bad future. the music was just incredible, and is easily one of the top 5 soundtracks i have ever heard in a game.
next sonic R. they again, used the pc version(i can tell because i own the pc version). this game is bad, but i enjoyed it. it had a good sound track in my own personal opinion, but it has no place in a sonic game. most of the songs dont even really represent the area your racing in. the graphics are prety good for its time being the first full 3d sonic game. but the control just ruins the game, its so sloppy you have to use fliyng characters most of the time. the game can be played through within an hour, but to 100 percent take alot of patience and knowledge of the tracks.
sonic the fighters is pretty much just a crappy fighting game, with very little replay value. you probobly wont play this one for more than an hour.
the addition of the game gear games helps, but most of them are pretty lacking.
altogether this game has a pretty good variety and value, but there are much better games that they should have included. like sonic 3d blast on the saturn, or even putting in sonic shuffle would add an interesting mix. infact, if you count the space on the disk ( 1.8 gigs) they should have easily been able to squeeze these 2 in. but, the game is pretty inexpensive, so its defenitly worth the money. if your a sonic fan, you should check this game out.