Basically, the XBOX version of Sonic Heroes is worse then the GC version, but better then the mediocre PS2 version

User Rating: 7.7 | Sonic Heroes XBOX

Sonic Heroes is a different game then Sonic Adventure 1 or 2. This time, Sonic Team has gone classic. This time, you have to go through 14 levels with 4 teams of Sonic characters. Each team member is useful for a certain area of the stage. So you'll need to depend on the member. Sonic Team has made the stages 3 times bigger then the stages shown in Sonic Adventure 2. But they don't have much elements found in the Adventure games. Instead, we get a game where you're on teams and it takes out the ture spirit about Sonic Games, Speed. You will have to stop a lot of times to defeat enemys, or clear certain course areas. It's also hard to control some characters. For example, When you are running and want to stop, the breaks are horrible. Sometimes, you'll end up falling off an edge. The boss battles are sometimes actually interesting, but some of the battles are un-Sonic-like. Sonic Team, overall, tries to give us something new, but in a few ways, it hurts the Sonic games. Still, if you overlook Sonic Heroes' problems, then it's a solid platformer worth renting or trying out.


The XBOX version of Sonic Heroes isn't as strong as the Gamecube version in terms of graphics and sound. A few textures have been slightly toned down from the Gamecube version, and sometimes appear ugly. However, this may seem odd, but a few textures are actually better then the Gamecube version. Other then a few graphical texture changes in the ploygons and backrounds, the game still looks the same as the Gamecube version. However, the other problem with the XBOX version of Sonic Heroes is the frame rate. Most of the time, the frame rate is at a great pace at 60 FPS. But when you get to intense areas, such as battle areas, or having alot of action going on at once, the framerate then slows down for a bit. This can affect the gameplay a little if you're concerned. The CG cutscenes seem to have been improved a little for the XBOX version compared to the Gamecube version. Regardless, the XBOX version has pretty much the same graphics as Gamecube version, but it has a few problems with some textures and framerate. Generally speaking, the game's graphics are not on par with typical XBOX games.


The music and the voice acting remains the same like the Gamecube version, however, there are new problems with the sound effects. Though, worth mentioning, sometimes the voice acting is a tad too loud while you play the game. Generally, the voice acting is just okay, however, there are some moments where the voice actors don't have good effort on their lines, and Tails and Charmy's voices do not fit in with their character much. Thankfully, the XBOX and PS2 versions do have the Japanese voices that were considered better by many gamers on the Sonic Adventure games. However, in my opinion, the Japanese voices aren't too much better, as they consist some problems as well. The sound effects have many problems in this game. Some sound effects are completly muted from the Gamecube version. For example, when you are grinding on a rail, you don't hear anything while grinding, except maybe your partners grind sound effects, but that's rarely auidible. So when it comes to the sound effects, the XBOX version's are only fair at best. Other then the dissapointing sound effects, every thing else in Sonic Heroes sounds decent.


There are a few interesting aspects in this game, but they are limted. But they were good enough to keep me playing it every now and then. Being a Sonic fan, I thought it was gonna be a tight game. Instead i get a game that's challenging, and has a couple flaws. This game is a decent rental, so rent the game first, and then you think on how it is. Personally, i thought the XBOX version of Sonic Heroes was just decent. It really could have been better then I thought, though.


-Nice boss battles
-Colorful stages


-Does not have any Sonic Adventure feel at all
-Not as strong Sonic Soundtrack
-At times, the voices aren't too good
-The game, across all 3 platforms, looks like a powered up Dreamcast game

-Some annoying frame rate slow down in some of the battles
-A few sound effects are muted from the Gamecube version.