Sonic Heroes is the game to forget in the Hedgehog's videogaming oddisey.Fun for 5 minutes, but boring later.

User Rating: 5.2 | Sonic Heroes PS2
Speakin' as a long-term Sonic the Hedgehog fan, all i can feel is sorrow for what the blue mammal games' have become in the Ps2-Xbox-GC generation. I don't mean that 3D technology ruined Sonic's adventures, cause it isn't true, as we can see in Sonic 3D or Sonic Racing, both of them for the SegaSaturn. Unfortunately, and unlike the Mario series, Sonic lost its splendor with this transition, and if the game was under a different, less-known character, we wouldn't talk about it so much. Sonic Heroes present us the possibility of controlling a team of three characters during the storyline. You can choose your team but, honestly, i doubt how many people bought this game not to play as the most popular one - Sonic, Tails and Knuckles. The game looks good at the first time, full of lively colours that anyone familiar with the Sonic world will recognize - lots of greens, blues, etc. But, as you proceed, you'll notice how these themes can be so tiring and boring, as you'll see a lot of them. The definition of the world is pretty bad, and you'll end up wondering if you are playing a Dreamcast game. Even on the main characters - the ones of your team- all you see is a strangely awkward skecth, seeming like it isn't the final version of the game. Shame, it really is. The gameplay is based on speeding with Sonic, changing into Tails to reach a higher level, then changing to Knuckles to beat easily the enemies or pushing a switch. You can change the characters with a lone push on the Triangle or Circle button, which is kinda handy. But you'll soon notice how the gameplay is absolutely equal from level to level. However, if there is any aspect in which you can really consider Sonic Heroes terrible, is the sound. The background musics are versions of the ones we found on Genesis' games and the rearrangements make 'em all very, very annoying. The voices of the characters are some of the worst i've seen in movies and games. Badly represented and really disgusting. For example, when you have to fly with Tails and press a button continously, al you hear is something like We-we-we-we-we-we-we, as for every time you pushed a button, it was supposed to start a sentence. Join this with the experience of voices never heard before, and we have a beautiful meeting. So, if you like Sonic, don't get this game, or you shall turn from fan into hater. Want a Ps2 Sonic Games? Buy Sonic Mega Collection Plus. But if you breathe Sonic, like him so much you want to mutate into a blue Hedgehog, and buy everything related to him, all I can wish you is trying to appreciate the game. But be warned: It's hard. Graphics - 6 They fill the requisitions, but that doesn't mean they're any good Gameplay - 6 Handy and easy, but boring and repetitive. Sound - 2 The worst sounds in Ps2 games. Enough? Replay Value/ Lifespan - 5 You finish it quickly, cause it's easy and short. Replay Value? None.