One of the current Graphically best Sonic Games currently on the market. The cameras are acuatually better than the Sonic Adventure games. The control is pretty smooth for the action levels, the bonus levels, another story. In the bonus levels to get the emerald is kind of difficult with control. The thing is it is hard to position the character sometimes were you want to go and sometimes stick to the walls when you don't want to. I just wish that getting emeralds in this game would not be a chore. The sound is still OK, may not be the best, but at least it is not bad at all.
The difficultly in this game gets quite hard to handle as you go futher in the game. That is why I do not own the game and have not finish it yet, I just wish I could have been able to finish is before Shadow the Hedgehog came out to see the whole story to Sonic Heroes, if it was not sooo hard.
It seems that Shadow the Hedgehog game borrows the controls of Sonic Heroes. I just hope the game will be great and not be as hard as Sonic Heroes but with a little challedge.
Sonic Heoroes is the fastest 3D Sonic game of all time. It has really good variety in it's stages and you can play any team in any stage. Team Rose is suitable for younger players, Team Chaotix has odd types of mission... Read Full Review
Don't prejudge me, I have no grudges. I like almost every Sonic related game out there, especially the older ones; But this is the worst one I have ever tried. Although it was, to tell you the truth, a bad game, me an... Read Full Review