You wanna give this game a try? Try it for the Gamecube but not for the PS2
The gameplay was good, and kinda new since you play as the whole team together. There were new things like gliding with the Triangle dive, using the speed character to stir up the wind to spin up a pole with the team, and more... The casino level is the worst level in the whole game.
The graphics are crap compared to the two other versions. The major cutscene graphics are great, but the gameplay and minor cutscene graphics are ugh...! The fonts in the subtitles are ugly on the PS2 version.
The sound is the worst part of the game. I hate hearing lame things, and that fat cat named Big in Team Rose sounds soooo retarded that it makes me want to punch his lights out, and Team Rose's story is soooo dumb.
This game has loads of problems but it isn't dreadful. If you're a Sonic fan, try this game--for the Gamecube.