At last sega brings sonic again to PC platforms, however they should take more advantage of pc capabilities.
Cons: U need a gamepad to play it properly,I miss a chao world, no net multiplaying, unfriendly camera, i would launched any sonic adventure to pc instead of this one. Teams have the same levels so it may turn a little monotonous.
I must say im a fan of sonic, well not that fan as some other people i knew that played every sonic game in existence but enough to say im a fan. When i knew that sonic heroes was on pc i just went to get it to check it out, cause i havent played sonic in a very long while (in a dc of some friend) y i didnt even had the oportunity to have a 3d sonic for myself.
The first think i noticed is the tutorial ( ^^ ). Anyway as long as i began with team sonic it really looked good. Good action, nice teamworking, and lots of fun. However, the very first thing that dissapointed me is, no chao world T_T. Did u ever thinked what posibilities could have a chao world on a pc sonic game?. Things like net multiplaying with chaos, item tradings, and the like would be very great and would add a good replayability point to this title. Game play
I think this game has teams for every likes, even for girls :P. However it is a shame that all teams have all the same levels, with the only difference is the appearence of more or less enemies on the road. The movements are nice and swift but the damn camera will never ever help ya. U will never know whats on your back and sometimes thats quite dangerous if u fight lots of enemies at once or u are on a small platform and u can fall by dashing or jumping.
Also is not very pleasant to unlock the 2 player modes the way u are playing but.. is not also something that bothers too much.
Graphics are excellent, i played it on 800x600 true color and it looked the same quality, if not better, than dc games. Scenarios are very colorfull and nice as any sonic has to be so i dont have to say anything bad about it.
Sounds are quite normal, u will notice the classic sonic sounds (rings, bouncers, jumps) with maybe some new ones. Music is good but for my likeing, not as good as in sonic adventure 1 or 2. Conclusion
I think this one is a must for every sonic lover like me who just cant buy some console. It is also a very good platform game suitable for all ages cause of the easy way to learn it. Hope next time sega considers more advantages of the pc like any other console.