This game has everything that is wrong with the sonic franchise. Repetitive, uninspiring, boring, disappointing.
User Rating: 5 | Sonic Heroes PS2
The sonic franchise has largely been going downhill since the release of Sonic Adventures on Dreamcast but this game is one of the worse titles in the series. With only a few good stages and terrible boss battles, Sonic Heroes is easily a title you should stay away from. This game became repetitive very quickly with boss battles being exact copies of previous, nothing creative, and no real new abilities that were actually productive. Annoying dialog, voice acting, and the ridiculous team system of this game leaves the gamer wanting more. This game has a negative replay value, meaning you should want money to play this tedious and boring game.
What made the genesis sonic games so good were the excellently design levels, interesting bosses, and epic finales but the sonic creators have done themselves a great disservice with this product. Cliché after sonic cliché plague this game with little or no creativity. In my opinion the sonic franchise should go back to its plat forming routes and redevelop there formula from scratch.
This game gets a 5 for having impressive level design and a barely playable once over.