This collection game is without a doubt the best way to play the first 4 sonic games period, treasure this disc.
Simple when I did side by side comparisons of each game it is obvious how much sonic team improved these older sonic games for this disc. They are not just simple emulations or ports like on the newest "Sonic mega collection disc " They offer much sharper high resolution graphics when sitting next to the genesis/mega drive versions this is easy to see. on this disc and they surpass even the originals on the genesis cartridge in quality.
The sega Saturn has the genesis cpu (Motorola 68EC000) as the saturn as a sound cpu making emulation not needed like in other collections and so time was taken to port and even improved upon them with the Saturn.
This show in the biggest draw to the disc an enhanced version of the very first Japanese Sonic (Sonic the hedgehog came out later in japan and had improvements of it’s own) g With an added spin dash from sonic 2 that simply can not be found anywhere else but on this disc even years after it’s release. As nearly any other version is an emulation or “dumbed down” port of the genesis game.
So what games do you get? Simply the sonic games that turned sonic into a super star mascot he is today.
Sonic the hedgehog
Sonic the hedgehog 2
Sonic the hedgehog 3
Sonic and Knuckles.
At the time of release many thought the title was "under whelming"
But the port quality and care is far better than those in recent sonic collections.
The collector’s content is better than mega collection; you get a museum mode that at the time was the first playable glimpse you had of a real 3d sonic game. The museum mode is no doubt to sonic team a practice title for then the upcoming “Sonic adventure on dreamcast. You also get special Japanese sonic, videos music test for all the sonic games on the disc and more.
Overall the bonus content menus and are far more “sonic special collection” feeling than the newer sonic collection titles. With renders of each sonic cartridge on the game screen 3d manuals nice background patterns that mimic the games they are showing.
This bonus is far more interesting content than say comic book covers from the sonic comic series by Archie that loose follows the sonic universe that you would get with “sonic mega collection” for example.
Sadly do to the fact that sonic jam is a signal CD there was not enough Space to fit much more on to the disc. This means no Sonic CD (to large) There is No Game Gear games and due to it’s age there was not as many sonic games to and 4 sonic titles was more than enough at the time for being only from the last generation this was a good value. But if any game needed two cd’s to include sonic CD this would have been the one.
In all there is less games here but there much better non-emulated enhanced sonic than you can find on DVD sonic collections from other systems.