The Sonic collection that Sega managed to get right.
This is one of the only Sonic Collections that I bothered to buy, because nobody I knew had a Genesis. I figured I would try it out, and you know, it's a good game.
Graphics: Most of the Graphics are 16-bit, because the game includes Sonic the Hedgehog 1-3, Sonic 3D blast and other Genesis games, like Flicky. I don't know why they included Flicky... I like this style. It was back when Sonic didn't suck. 8/10
Difficulty: That depends upon the skill of the player, because there are no difficulty select options throughout most of the games. Some games are really easy, but some are a bit challenging. Most of them are pretty easy, though. 8/10
Story: There are multiple stories to the game, so I'll just use Sonic the Hedgehog 3's story. The story begins as Sonic and Tails are flying towards Angel Island. Sonic jumps off the plane, apparently commiting suicide. He goes Super Sonic and beats Tails to the island. As he approaches a forest, Knuckles bursts out of the ground and steals the Chaos Emeralds. Then he giggles and runs off. 9/10.
Controls: The controls can be a little akward for me, sometimes. Mainly because I find that the D-Pad is hard to use. This could easily be my controller, so don't get all pissed off. I had to use the control stick. It's a little slippery, but I find it easier to use the control stick on Sonic 3D blast. 6/10
Overall, the game is an alright game collection. Although, the game's only gems are the first 3 Sonic games, in my opinion, and their abilities to play as Knuckles, when the Genesis cartridges are plugged into a 32x. If you're bored, the game also includes unlockables, like comics and covers to comics. 8/10. Good, but could have been done even better, like including other Genesis classics like Vectroman.