Gameplay: All the Sonic games from the Sega Genesis appears in this collection. In addition, you also get some Sonic games from the Sega Game Gear as well. Not only that, as you play these games more and more, you will unlock even more games. After unlocking everything, you will have 20 games. (Only about 3/4 of the games are good, however) Since Sonic Heroes was releassed for XBOX and PS2, Sega has decided to give those gamers a treat with Sonic Mega Collection: Plus, to give gamers some history about Sonic, just like they did for Sonic Adventure 2: Battle gamers on Gamecube. In addition with Sonic and Sega games, you also have a nice feature of historic Sonic-related stuff, such as Magazine covers, Sonic videos and Sonic artwork. Good thing is you can save in between levels in each game you play. If you already have Sonic Mega Collection for Gamecube, you shouldn't bother getting this game, unless your a die hard Sonic fan. Graphics: Now, i noticed many problems with the graphics in the old Sonic games. The games don't look as good as they did years ago. I noticed the XBOX can't really do very well with 2D graphics, so the games actually don't look as clear as they did on the Genesis and Game Gear. But regardless, these games are well over 8 years old and beyond, so they don't really feature great looking graphics anyway. Sound: The soundwork from the old Sonic games are also not as good as they were oringinally. Some of the sound effects are replaced with low-budget screeches and such. The music isn't quite in its oringinal form, but its sort of close enough. Conclusion: Despite the watered-down graphics and sound, the games still play exactly the way they were created as. $19.95 definitly suits the low quallity of the game. Still though, 20 games for around 20 dollors in not a bad deal. If you never played the oringinal Sonic games on the Genesis and Game Gear, and don't have Sonic Mega Collection for Gamecube, then giving this game a rent isn't a bad idea, just as long as you can handle the worse-then-oringinal graphics and sound.
Other Helpful Reviews for Sonic Mega Collection Plus
Simply put, How good this collection is, depends on if you like these games. I was born when these released and i grew up with them. The sounds and graphics are emulated to the PS2 and Xbox nearly perfectly. Simple idea,... Read Full Review
Gameplay: 10 Why: Well, back when Sonic was out for the Genesis, I only had the pleasure of playing it about three times, and once for the Gamegear. But in those times, it was so fun that I wanted to get it, if not play... Read Full Review