Even if you have never heard of Sonic, you should give this a try.
What to expect with an outdated graphics system-not much. At the time these games where cutting edge but by today’s standard they just don’t hold up that much. But from a 90’s point of view these graphics are amazing. They are vibrant and colorful and in a few cases basic 3D. In short these games look great even if they are a little outdated.8/10
Sonic the Hedgehogs games have stood up remarkably well to the tests of time and is till really fun, even if it still has the no difficulty setting. Sometimes it can get a little cheap when your going as fast as you can and ram into a robot and lose all your rings. But even if that does happen you can still get more. But what really makes this title shine is the variety and the quantity. With roughly 15 sonic games and a whole bunch of hit Genesis titles this makes for a nice trip down memory lane.9/10
I was a little disappointed with the sound in these games. Sometimes when you get 5 or 6 rings you only hear the actual ring sound 2 or 3 times. Other than that everywhere also shines. The music is superb and almost never gets boring and even in some games they offer a sound test.8/10
If you are a fan of Sonic or have never played a Sonic game and want to pick one up an old school classic, give Sonic Mega Collection Plus a try. Its well worth your time.8.6/10