not much of a sequal. if you have the 1st one. you have the 2nd one.

User Rating: 6.5 | Sonic Riders: Zero Gravity WII
this game is almost exactly like sonic riders! just that they threw in a zero gravity feature to fix the turning problem from the first. the story mode is even shorter than the first game! something i love about the sonic riders games is it's just not boring hold down this button to go fast and this to turn. no instead it's hold down this to rip a small hole in space and defy gravity and do some flips on a hoverboard 500 feet in the airXD however that may be the only good bout sonic riders games. i turned in sonic riders 1 to gamestop so i could buy zero gravity but it was like gettin 3 dollars then spending 40 to get the game back! im glad to see jet and the babylon rouges again and all but i wish i could have been in a better game. it is still a great multi player game though! if ur havin a party or even just playin with a buddy break the game out and you will have a blast!