A decent sequel to the original, but is impossible without Gamecube controller.
well, a friend recommended it to me, but i said i wanted to play the original first. i did, then moved on to ZG.
Gameplay: 4.5 out of 10
The gameplay is fine But you ABSOLUTELY HAVE TO USE THE GAMECUBE CONTROLLER! the motion controls in this game ARE AS BROKEN AS BRAWL MINUS.
Music: 9.5 out of 10
Definitley good music. my favorite track was :Catch me if you can (ZG mix)" which plays during the credits
Graphics: 7 out of 10
The graphics in this game arent that good... but they ARE better then sonic riders graphics. I give them credit for that. this was early in the wii era, so of course the graphics arent top notch.
Overall: 8/10
this game Definetly has its down sides but overall i feel it is very underrated
Short review. lol.