I would advise you to get this game if you have a Nintendo DS. It's good value. Read all of my review because it's good
User Rating: 8.3 | Sonic Rush DS
SonicRush this is the game I'm reviewing,because I believe it's the best in the series. The differences between this and the rest of the Sonic games: SonicRush is on dual screens so you have to keep up with Sonic going from the top screen to the bottom sceen and so on it's worked out very well the way you get from screen to screen. The Tension Gauge is new also if you do stunts it fills up your Tension Gauge and by getting rings fills up your Tension Gauge,and getting Checkpoints. When your Tension Gauge is full it flashes Red and it makes you faster when full. You use the Tension Gauge on the the Special Generator you find them in every level,if your Tension Gauge is full enough you jump on the Special Generator and hold Y and you will go into a portal to a Mini-Game to get the Chaos Emeralds you use the touch screen to go Left and Right in the long haif-pipe,and collect the amount of Rings it says,dodge bombs and tap on enemies to hit them,if you hit a spring in the Mini-Game it comes up numbers that you have to hit first 1,2,3 and so on in about Three seconds if you do it correctly you get rings and when you get the amount of rings your supposed to get you do the next half and they give you a higher target if you get the target you get a Chaos Emerald. There is also a different type of attack,you press Y and across and you dash into the enemy knocking them flying. This also makes you go quick. There is also stunts in SonicRush if in mid-air press B to do stunts but if on grind rail press R,stunts give you points and a higher rank in the end. You can do combos with the stunts and if you do a good combo you see animals jump up onto the top screen. There is also R and up to make you go higher when in mid-air. The rings are different in this Sonic game,I think the rings in this looks the best,but if you look carefully in every Sonic game the rings look slightly different. There is loads of new ideas in the tracks in SonicRush. Also there is a new charactar "Blaze the Cat" Blaze has diffirent moves from Sonic and she collects the Sol Emeralds and you get the Sol Emeralds by defeating bosses this means that she dosn't do the Mini-Game in the Special Generator. Also in SonicRush it is half 2-D and half 3-D it's mostly 2-D in a track but some bits in the track are 3-D. The boss stages are completly 3-D which works out very well,and in the boss stages you see their health in the touch screen. In SonicRush there is Eggman-Nega which you fight him when you are Blaze.
Bad Points: The last boss is ridicously hard,game could be longer,could do with more than two characters to pick from,should have a Chao garden. Good Points: Very fun multi-player, good track ideas,no glitches what so ever,fun boss stages,new character,very fast,cool enemies,14 new tracks,good story line. Gameplay: In SonicRush there is iots of routes to take and a normal amount of enemies. The new Tension Gauge makes SonicRush fun and unique. Lots of new ideas,keeps Sonic games from getting old and makes the Lifespan last longer. Some enemies are placed are placed in a anoying place but I suppsse that makes it more of a challenge. In this Sonic game when you get hit all your rings come out,say if you had 120 rings if hit all those rings scatter about the place,it's cool. In this Sonic game they have brought back the old fun Mini-Game from Sonic 2,and they changed it slightly to make it more fun. Graphics: The Graphics of the characters are very good but not brilliant. The Graphics in the rings is brilliant it's just perfict you can't get much better. The back ground Graphics is okey nothing special about it. The 3-D Graphics in the game are good yet again nothing special. The Loop to Loop has brilliant Graphics,it looks like loks like a perfict circle. All together the Graphics are good. Sound:The music in it is good but nothing that's original like the first level in sonic the hedgehog. The sound affects is good. Value: It's good value because you can buy it new for £15. Tilt: All together it works out as a god game I recommend that you get it.