The game that goes back 2 the basics.

User Rating: 9.2 | Sonic Rush DS
We all know the classic 2D games of our little blue avenger Sonic the Hedgehog on the SEGA Genesis.Unlike the REAL blunders like Sonic Next-Gen with HOR-RIB-ALE stuff like long loading screens.But there's still one game out there that sticks to the origonal gameplay with it's own 3D twist.Sonic Rush features 2 1/2 D gameplay(some 2D,some 3D).I rate this as a 9.2 because there's nothin' like goin' back 2 the basics!Now the bosses show more 3D,but just enough to keep the game's gameplay in check.

Now U see how I recomend this for anyone who loves the clasics.(Or at least what goes back 2 old styled playing experience.)