this game goes back to what makes sonic games so fun

User Rating: 9.6 | Sonic Rush DS
Sonic games have always been fast(apart from sonic R and sonic battle) but this goes back to why we all love that hedgehog.The speed. and theres even more because of the DS's technology and the dual screens provide an extended verticle view but somehow SEGA managed to make it make no differnce. but the addition of a trick bar (boost bar sounds better) makes it less frustrating if you hit a snag and lose all your rings, just press Y and your in buisness. Theres also a female charcter called Blaze who is from a differnt world and her enemy DR Eggman Nega is there too and she wants to get the sol emeralds back otherwise her world will be destroyed.

There is not much difference between controlling Sonic and Blaze but they start from different levels which makes it more worth playing as the other character EG. zone1 for sonic is Leaf Storm and Zone 1 for blaze is Night Carnival. and the tunes are different in the same level depending on which charictar you're playing as.

Graphics:9 amazing 2D with some 3D elements plus the game runs at a silky smooth framerate and i mean really silky smooth
Gameplay:10 old skool sonic action which we all love
Sound:the Night Carnival tune says "go go go" a lot and the tunes are very catchy
Value:9 you'll be finished on this before long but you will replay this