The first ever game that I played
For me this is an instant classic as it was the first game that I ever played in my own home. It was the time that 8bit was the top of the range technology and not every household had them.
You play as this little blue hedgehog called sonic and your mission is to travel through a series of levels collecting golden rings to get you lives to help play the game through to the end. In each level you had to combat a way to kill robot animals created by sonics arch enemy Dr Robotnik.
In each level there was a secret crystal for Sonic to collect and the basic aim of the game was to get to the 3rd level in each section on the map to defeat robotnik and save the animals that he had stored in a silver cannister at the end of the boss levels.
As the levels increased the levels difficulty did as well but once you had got used to the game play and the levels it didnt take long to complete but you still had the enjoyment out of it.
I give this game a full 10 marks as I still enjoy a good game of Sonic the hedgehog on whatever system they bring the game out on these days. But this one will always be my favourite game and is a very much treasured part of my collection