In 1992 Sonic 2 was out and one o the best thing about sonic 2 is that there are 2 acts makeing you go threw the worlds faster. Once again sonic is after Robintik. This game was Tails's Debut so this is a vary good game for tails fans. gamplay is just like mario when the emeny tuches you you lose all your rings Sonic 2 is a great game no daout. So I'f you like sonic and tails you need to get this. this is a 9.2 becasue toad is not in this thank goodness. and Tails whatever you do don't trust robintik.
So for the last few days I've been stuck on one game from my past that I can't seem to put down and that game is Sonic The Hedgehog 2. In a lot of people's opinions it is probably the best 2D Sonic game around and it sho... Read Full Review
Sonic the Hedgehog. Now, you're probably wondering "Err....Nintendo is the best....he's a rip off of such and such...bla..bla.bla.....". Well, that's where your wrong. These type of Sonic games are classic and can be pla... Read Full Review