Great game I beat it my first sonic game good thing was you didn't have to do the special stages to find the emralds.
User Rating: 9.2 | Sonic the Hedgehog 2 GG
THis was my first sonic game ever since then I have been a sonic fan. This game took me a while (I was only a 3rd or second grader back then) to beat it. But when I finally found the last choas emrald (actully the 6th) I was so so so so so s so so so so so so so so so so so happy cause silver sonic gives you the 7th one that i finally went on to the egg zone or egg scramble zone something like that. THe last level was fun I don't know why people say games hard like spider man DS and this one because tere difficulty leve was not tht hard it just takes some getting used to. At first I don't know why Gamespot didn't have Game gear on the list of systems along with most other sites. very few sites had game gear listed as a console.