had potential..

User Rating: 6 | Sonic the Hedgehog PS3
Well where to start...i am probably really late reviewing this game but i will anyways. I picked this game in the bargain bin for 18.95 because i wanted to see why this game did so terribly.

First off id like to say im a huge sonic fanboy so im rating this on a sonic fan boy prospective and the score i give is verryy very generous to this game.

Story: The story isn't that good at all. In fact sonic stories were never that great. But since i love sonic i always enjoyed them. This story however sucked the big guns. The whole Human hedgehog relationship looks absolutely ridiculous cause his hands are bigger than her face. The story doesn't do much to emphasize things and is very simplistic and it does a terrible job in wrapping the whole game off. Overall the story isn't worth getting into.

CG's: The CG's are nice. They arent amazing but they are nice to look at with absolutely no loading time when watching them. Sadly there are only a few of them :(

Town missions: unimaginative. boring. ugly character models. ugly buildings. glitchy town with walls that you can get stuck to. Terrible. and when supporting characters follow you..well there always jumping for no reason and often dying ..for no reason. VERY annoying

Load times: you would think a game with the fastest hedgehog would have fast load times. NOPE. These are 30-40 second load times people. Of course you get used to it after awhile but it really kills any fun you were having. Example say your doing a town mission... talk to the guy say yes...LOAD....he says something small..LOAD again...you finish LOAAADDDDDD.... everytime ur in town it loads..every segment of any stage it has to load. this really brings down the game by like 2.0 Camera: uncooporative. glitchy. You will find yourself dying for no reason because you don't kno where the heck your going and falling to your doom. It shakes alot to if your going against the cameras will. and the cameras will sucks. Soo you have to suck it up to enjoy it.

Boss battles: not very interesting or imaginative. We've all seen these fights before. The ending boss battle with the super hedgehogs is a total let down cause the boss is a pansy and its like impossible to die. When fighting silver as a boss it is super annoying cause his psychokinesis is most likely going to kill you a few times. You hit him he gets damaged then he stuns u..throws u into a building..u lose rings..and he comes right away and stuns u again before u can get rings..and there ..u die .. hes cheap.

Sonic gameplay: Well the blue hedgehog is back and he is as broken as ever. I realize over the years how uterrly useless the sonic spin has become his once prized move. The only reason you would use it is travel faster in the town. His new upgradeable moves suck ass and they are all flawed. Such as the bouncing one. If you bounce you cannot move as you bounce, you bounce in one spot unlike the sonic adventure games. The mach speed events take memorization and if you gameover during these spots then you have to redo the whole freaking stage. You WILL find yourself dying alot for no reason at all. Sonic is so stupid he wont stop running if hes gonna go in water or through walls so he always dies. However it is still fun watching our hedgehog run and kick ass throughout the stage...that is if you don't randomly die due to the crappy camera . Elise and Sonic missions are boring and he isnt fun cause hes carying the fat elise. Shadow gameplay: Shadow feels slower than sonic even though they SHOULD be the same speed. In fact hes slower than Omega which is **** cause hes the ultimate life form. Shadows Chaos Spear which stuns people is cool to use but its not very useful. His Chaos boosts are fun to use and his homing attack is also fun to use. His downfall comes in the vehicles that you are forced to use. WIth no aiming system and broken controls for when your on the vehicles. Your better off running then using the vehicles unless you HAVE to use them. Silver's gameplay: Fun at first then boring. Silver doesnt have speed which sucks when your going through the town. But his psychokinesis and picking up boxed and flinging enemies at each other is fun. The problem is you cant determine where the boxes are going to fling. You want them to hit an enemy but sometimes it flings and hits a wall. You'll find really annoying puzzles in the desert level to where your supposed to hit a ball with your psychokinesis and put it in a hole within a certain amount of psychokinesis hits or else the ball explodes and u have to go back and get another ball. The problem is there are a BUNCHA HOles before you can get into the specific one and it totally takes a good 20 minutes to do. Puzzles: I wouldn't call them much of puzzles. You go around killing enemies until the door opens. Find a switch. ...thats pretty much it except for the ball one mentioned above. Theres one where you are on a floating ball as well and move around to get around lasers but the ball is very uncorpative and moves on its own a lot of the time.

Sound: Meh. Decent i guess. Except for when shadow is running it sounds like gravel.

Voice acting: Decent. Except for tails who sounds stupid ALL the time. They should have kept his sonic adventure 1 voice which was passable. Now he just sounds like a squeaky chipmumk. The dialogue is as cheesy as ever and thats not a good thing.

Supporting cast: Tails: you fly around throwing ring bombs on things. Not exactly fun but hes fast when you fly so you can get through his part of the game fast which is good.

Knuckles: Ever notice how knuckles gets slower in every game? His punching looks dumb now and its hard to hit with him. He glides and crawls on walls still which is good. But his punching SUCKS!! it doesnt even feel like your punching anything.

Amy: lame. in sonic adventure 1 she was more versatile with her hammer using it to spring herself up and her hammer was big enuf to squish anything. and even back then she wasnt that fun. Now shes super super slow and cant hit anything unless your 0.002 mm away from the enemy. She can turn invisible..which is pointless. and she can double jump which is also useless cause she lags for 2 seconsd to do it and it can hardly send u any forward distance.

Rouge: stupid. Her bombs are useless first person bomb shooting is also gltichy and crappy and theres no advantage same with tails when has it it too. She can glide and climb and yah...

Omega: Fast which is good. can hover which isnt as good as before cause you can get further jumping forward then hovering forawrd. HIs gun mechanics arent that great and not that fun. But fortunately hes one of the more fun characters to play.

Blaze: Blaze is my favourtie chacter to play in this whole game. Shes as fast as sonic and she plays better than sonic. She has a homing attack kinda of attack has a smooth double jump and has a fire spin. Music: Pretty decent. They seemed to have gotten away with alot of their soundtrack with remixes of the His World song which is good cause that song was this game's savior. And the other stage songs and town songs arent terrible so music is this games stronger points.

Overall: I have been bashing this game alot and if i was not a sonic fanboy i would have given this game a 4.0 or 5 at best but since i still think sonic is oneof the coolest gaming characters alive who has been going ythrough rough patches..i give it a 6 with pity. I think this game had ALOT of potential with all the characters and story and gameplay it was heading for. In the end it just fell short cause they were tryin to meet their deadline. If your looking for a sonic game get sonic rush or sonic rush adventure. or if your looking for a next gen sonic game i would go for sonic and the secret rings and if not then one of the sonic adventures (not heroes it wasnt that good too repetitive). If you absolutely have to try this game..you need patience to deal with the ugly camera and terrible loading times. Huge sonic fanboys will be JUST be content enough after they play this game. Defintely a rent or bargain bin. Dont pay more then 20 dollars