Sonic did not deserve this abomination.

User Rating: 3 | Sonic the Hedgehog X360
As a Nintendo fan since the 90s I should envy Sonic. Sega and Nintendo were the biggest rivals possibly in gaming and both side of fans either Sega or Nintendo fans are very passionate about gaming because most of us have been playing since childhood when Nintendo and Sega started out, I say us because yes I am part of that group I was 6 years old when I played my first video game on the Super Nintendo. Now you probably are wondering where I am going with this but I'll tell you right now. As a kid I had no idea that Sega was a whole different company, I honestly thought that Nintendo was the only video game company that ever existed, so one time I came over to a freinds house to play his Sega Genesis and play the first Sonic the Hedgehog game, when I played this game as a kid my mind was literally blown I had never seen anything like it I loved it and I wanted it, but after that I never really pursued buying a Sonic game and I didn't even have a clue that the Sega Genesis at the time was even a different console what can I say I was six. Throughout my history of gaming I played Sonic Adventure at my friends house on the Gamecube, my mind was literally blown again I loved this game and I was hooked on Sonic games again and this is when I finally bought my first Sonic game, and that was Sonic Adventure 2. I loved it but not as much as the first one, but from then on I was not only a Nintendo fan but a Sonic fan also, what a contradiction huh. All I can say is Sonic is awesome, There are some amazing Sonic games that I would honestly even pick over Mario games, but their are also some really bad ones like everyone knows and it wasen't till about a year before now that I would even hear of this game, and how bad it was and not only that but I would have the money to buy it also. All I can say before I start this actual review is how could you Sega, seriously, I realize that they ran out of time on the game and fans were pressuring them to make it early, but this is not the fans fault as a lot of people seem to say, this is one hundred percent Sega's fault as a good company they shouldn't have thought of the money they were about to make and actually think of their fans and say you know what it's not finished you are going to wait, then at least if they didn't make their sale forecast they would have at least made a good game and had credibity and respect for it.

So lets finally talk about this game its an awful mess their are 3 characters to play as through the whole game Sonic, Shadow and Silver. The Camera in this game just may take the cake for the worst ever in a game, I was in a boss battle and the camera was literally on the boss and I had no idea where I was are they really serious with this how could they screw it up this bad and you know whats worse is when text from the characters speaking in the background comes into play it will literally block your character and you will have no idea where the hell your character is, you have got to be kidding me, how can you play this game when you can't even see the character standing in front of you. There are also a ton of glitches in this game, another cheap tactic in the games gameplay that will make you lose in cheap difficulty, and that's another thing, there is such cheap difficulty in this and thats partly due to bad checkpoints in the game, you must beat each level to get to a save point, and you will continue to die due to cheap glitches or outrageous God awful control.

Another huge problem is the loading time, you will start a mission in the city and before it even starts it will load for someone to say the mission rules in one sentence and then it will load again to start the game, you have got to be kidding me this is an absolute joke, lets just make the gamer wait for a text box and make him wait again ha ha so funny. This will literally drive you crazy throughout the whole game. I can't believe I am saying this but there do exist some good things in this game very little but some. First off there do exist some decent levels in this game not great levels but some that aren't too bad but very few. Second the ending was actually really good, both the boss and the actual ending. The boss is Solaris and you must beat him with Super Sonic, Super Shadow and Super Silver and to be honest it's not a bad boss fight. The ending is really good also, before I do talk about it, the story as a whole was pretty bad it was all over the place and the story as a whole is mediocre, and I would also like to mention the voice actors were terrible well the new ones at least, the older ones were at least decent but the new ones playing Tails, Knuckles, Omega, and Silver, were absolutely laughable on how bad they were, and Silver as a whole character was a joke, he looks epic but yet his dialogue and the way he is voice acted in this game is an absolute Joke, but I got off topic. The ending was really good cause for once you could feel the emotion in the voice acting and it just felt like a good moment in the story I don't want to spoil anything but all I can say was the ending was very good.

To be honest also their were a couple more things that were really good with Sonic 06, The music was awesome, and their were some parts of the game where it was graphically stunning, but other then these things there is not a whole lot to say that made Sonic 06 good. Overall I have to be honest Sonic 06 is a mess their are a ton of glitches, bad load times, unfair difficulty, a mediocre story, and just an overall bland game nothing too fun about it. I really like Sonic and it makes me sad to see this game take a crap on his legacy, but I guess it is what it is and what it is, is a unfinished game, and its truly disappointing that Sega would allow this to happen, but hopefully they will learn from it as a company, so basically what I am saying is just don't play this game, especially if you are a Sonic fan, just remember the good times.