It's nice to see a familiar face again
These days, the classic characters like Mario and Sonic are relegated to bit parts in hopes of selling games based soley on their name being in the title or having them as a selectable character.
Dispite the flaws this game has, it's nice to see a familiar face, namely one of the greatest video game characters of all time Sega's mascot: Sonic the Hedgehog. Though out the game you of course meet all the classic Sonic Characters: Shadow the Hedgehog, Tales, Dr. Eggman, etc. The game takes full advantage of the 360's processing power, to create a life like versons of these classic characters. Possibly the game's best feature is the fact it still has Sonic's trademark game play, namely speed, quick jumps, but the best thing this game has done is introduce the world to a new Sonic Character: Silver the Hedgehog.
However there is no such thing as a perfect game, and this game has it's fair share of flaws. The first is the plotline, the plot of this game is more like Sonic the Hedgehog meets Final Fantasy, you have your typical Sonic trying to stop Dr. Eggman from taking over the world, but they added rescuing a princess, like that hasn't been done a million times before, to the mix, the worst thing about the plot is this: IT'S AN RPG, and it takes forever to reach any bad guys. Of course the worst flaw this game has is it's controls, the controls are very lose, which makes controling the characters very very difficult, especally when it comes to jumping.
Over all this game doesn't deserve the negative hype it's gotten, it's an extremely fun game, and does appeal to die hard Sonic fans, or fans of the classic games. But this is one of those games that should be rented first before buying.