that game make me laught, is for kids 2 years old, is the most easy game of sonic. in the end kiss the princess
User Rating: 1.5 | Sonic the Hedgehog X360
only for graphics 1.5. that game is soooooooooooooo disappointing that load in a thousand years i prefer play 100 sonic the hedgehog (Sega Genesis) than this trash. and in the end sonic kiss the princess JAJAJAJAJA!!!!! and with the kiss transform in super sonic. in think i can complete the game with one hand you have more action with your hands in a RPG like POKEMON (and POKEMON is a million times better) i prefer see dora the explorer to complete this game again. this games is for novice who wants complete a game with one hand and make them all with joystick and a button and you will end that game with these requirements and you will see a ending of disney but..... is a sad love bla bla, just missing that silver her with a kiss to shadow
i like so much the games of sonic but for this game i prefer so much the games of Mario Bros