Sonic The Hedgehog for the X360 is not the Sonic game we was thing about.
Because the story was good at all,the Graphics is ok but not as good what the 360 can do,and the camera is so bad you will fall off every 5 min!
But you think it still good because you can play as Sonic,Shadow,and Siver!
Well Sonic is FUN but the camera kill the game,and Siver was ok but yes the camera ,and Shadow was just a bicth to play!
This game it just like Sonic Adventure but it just a crappy one!
Gameplay:Was good but the camera just kill it
Graphics:Was ok but for the 360 not so ok huh
Story:Just Suck
and Controls:not good at all!
So a buy,rent,or just pass!
A Pass because Sega have no idea what to do which the Sonic series what so ever!