I think,no strike that...I know I want my money back!

User Rating: 4.2 | Sonic the Hedgehog PS3
I think,no strike that...I know I want my money back!
I,ve never seen anything this bad since quake 2,was first released.I want my money back or they should have a recall .This is the biggest letdown of a game i have ever seen.WARNING DO NOT BUY THIS GAME UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES!! If you want to play sonic you'd better dust off the old genesis.Get the hint yet?One big RIP OFF.Where's the quality control people?were they all asleep ?maybe they were playing XBOX orWii...Did they actually play this garbage before they put it out on shelves?Maybe they could admit its garbage give everyone their money back plus a different title of their choice for the 20.00 in gas we all wasted going to get the piece of bleep.