Worst Sonic I've ever played

User Rating: 3.3 | Sonic the Hedgehog PS3
Well, I guess the devil was controlling my brain when I went into Best Buy and picked up my copy of Sonic the Hedgehog. I've played the Sega Genesis version and it grew up on me. I still play it sometimes when I have nothing to do. My advice is rent it first, although that might be the worst $7 you spend also. First things first, the graphics aren't worthy of the ps3. It looks like theres no bitmap texturing, no advanced lighting, no bump maps, no nothing. It is HD, but thats probably all it has over ps2 graphics. Secondly, the camera is absolutely horrible. It's jumpy, it does weird things, and it never shows you what you want. Assuming you can get over those two HUGE disappointments, theres another one in store. The storyline attempts to create a non-linear plot, but fails miserably. I have not yet beaten the game, simply because I cant play it for more than an hour before I want to bash my head in. AvOID THIS GAME AT ALL COSTS.