Best Sonic game in years despite a few shortcomings.

User Rating: 8.5 | Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode I WII
I've really been looking forward to this game, I mean, Sonic 4, the title and the promise of classic 2D Sonic gameplay really got my attention. So then, is it worthy of being called Sonic 4? Yeah, sure, okay, I wold not say it is as great as Sonic 1-3 or Sonic & Knuckles, however, when you look at some of the recent games to feature Sonic, it's starting to look like a masterpiece by comparison. The game itself is good fun, I must say that I didn't feel right at home instantly, it seemed to take a while to get Sonic up to top speed, it's not as insanely fast as some other games in the franchise, which may come as a disappointment to some, furthermore you have the homing attack as introduced in the 3D games, you automatically target an enemy and dash towards him by pressing the jump button, problem is, it doesn't work 100% of the time, but it rarely became an issue. Some levels have puzzles that, while not hard to figure out, slows down the pace. The levels are, I guess remakes in a way, from various levels seen in the first two games, so they don't come across as "fresh" exactly, it feels very familiar, then again, you get that nostalgic feeling that kicks in every once in a while.

Some levels are really cool, like the one with the playing cards, others aren't as good, like the one where you have to constantly find and jump into cannons.
The bosses are also very familiar, and many are just the same bosses from Sonic 1 and 2 with a few new attacks. Some people, and a certain review website criticised the game for having a too difficult final boss, I hope the reviewer meant a secret boss I haven't encountered yet, because the regular last boss is not THAT difficult, I mean, sure, I died numerous times, but there have been far more difficult Sonic bosses. He does have a pretty cheap final attack though, if you don't know what to do instantly, you're dead, trial and error man.

The game looks fantastic, no slowdown that I could notice, maybe a few times when losing numerous rings after running into an enemy, the music is mostly not up to the quality set by the first 3 games in the series, sure it sounds better and clearer, but the tunes are not as memorable, still there's some good music here. Anyway, this is titled as "Episode 1", so I guess that means more levels in the future, if you collect all the chaos emeralds which is a lot easier than before since you don't have to collect them all in one playthrough, if you do collect them all, not only do you get to transform into super Sonic, but after finishing the game, you'll get a "to be continued" teaser and the silhouette of a certain metal hedgehog. Looking forward to that. I finished the game in under 2 hours, despite dying multiple times, now I can finish it in under 50 minutes, so it's a pretty short game, like the others. Sonic 4: Episode 1 is a great game in the series, I would not say it's quite up to the quality of the genesis classics, but it's easily the best Sonic game I've played in years.