I think I'm feeling it again....that feeling of sweet nostalgia I've been missing from Sonic...

User Rating: 8 | Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode I WII
Now before I say anything, the only 3D Sonic game I truly hated was the Sonic '06 for Xbox 360...the others weren't as bad as others made them out to be, if you're a real Sonic fan you shouldn't be so anal about stuff like this (I'll probably call myself a hypocrite about this later but whatever...). I do say this though, I have been missing that nostalgic feeling from these games, ya know...not worrying about a plot that ranges to mildly odd to "what the flying f**k is this!?", not having to see the supposedly "Fastest Thing Alive" use a vehicle to keep up (again, i have nothing against those games, its the concept that bugs me.) and other random things like that, just focusing on running and going through to the end of the stage. Well Sonic the Hedgehog 4 gives that.

Sonic the Hedgehog 4 is the prodigal squeal to iconic series that all old school gamers have been waiting for years, only to get games registering dangerously close to spin-offs. It fuses the new age graphics of the new consoles, with the old 16 bit side scrolling platforming glory to bring us a solid and long awaited Sonic game.

If you're an old school gamer (or any gamer who's actually played the old school Sonic the Hedgehog 1 2 &3) I shouldn't have to explain too much of the game, but for sake of the review (and to the younguns who don't know jack about the old Sonic games) I'll do it. The premise is simple like the old one, play as the iconic blue hedgehog, go from Point A, to Point B as fast as possible, picking up rings as you go, and beating up badniks along the way in Zones spit into two Acts, which some also have Special Stages. Simplistic, tried and true, just like the classics.

But of course there are new changes. Other than the obvious revamp on graphics, STH 4 adopted the new age Sonic's signature attack "The Homing Attack", which allows Sonic to target and attack enemies. and of course with new puzzles and redesigned badnicks thrown in.

The art looks beautiful (despite what Game Spot and others say) and vibrant, and boss battles can be fun. The one notable downside that can be somewhat of a turn off is the physics. Sonic just doesn't seem to be as fast as he was before (ironic that I've heard people complain about that a lot). When he moves he seems like he's on the moon (if you think about it, he's actually faster and more responsive in the 3D games! Except maybe STH '06...), unlike the classics where it was responsive to the point of almost oversensitivity (seriously, I could jump around, run and stick almost any landing without fail, not in this one...)

There really isn't much to say since this is a really short game, but it's still worth downloading. Well whether everyone enjoys this or not or even enjoy the 3D ones, I'm gonna stay true to Sonic no matter what game he's in, except Sonic '06...that game sucked Eggman's balls...