Ok why can't Sega do this?

User Rating: 3 | Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode I PS3
To start:
Here is the video. You be the judge:

This is my thought:
I myself am a classic to the Sonic franchises. I grew up with Sonic 1,2,3, Sonic & Knuckles, and Sonic Cd. Those are what Sonic games should be. Now that its 2010 the video above is what I expect out of Sonic Team and I'm sure other classic and current fans would agree. The Sonic remix is everything that "Sonic 4" should be. I played the demo and for being a third party demo the game was perfect. The graphics were beautiful with rich color. The backgrounds were truly amazing, the first stage opens with Dr. Robotnik's creation following after Sonic. The Botniks had so many more elements of life to them and when you destroyed them they actually blew up in pieces. These guys thought of everything and stuck to the classics. Example, when Sonic jumps on a spring the motion he performs is from Sonic Cd where he spins into the air. The level designs take elements from Sonic 2. The music is perfect if not better. Also they got rid of the homing attack and rails. Those are elements that are not needed in Sonic Games. They even went as far as to add a raining element into one of their stages. This creates a mood of change and helps progress the story that Dr. Robotnik has taken over the world. Plus the last Sonic game I played that had a raining stage was back on the game gear when I was like 7.

This game is a great example of what Sonic Team should be doing. Sega's new installment of Sonic 4 was, well so so compared to this remix. It seemed to lack something. I felt that it was just a remake of the classics and not a progression of the story line. I feel that Sega rushed the game and they should have spent the time to make the game great. I mean isn't Sonic the icon of Sega? So do it right.

Sega don't hate me I love you guys I feel that you trying to change too much and what you guys did back in the 90's work. So tap back into that and create something that is golden.

So tell me what do you guys think? What are your thoughts on the Sonic remix? Is Sonic remix the direction that Sonic Team should go?
Please Tell me and help spread the word, show this video off. I would love to buy a version of sonic in this form.

This is the website of more: http://sonicfanremix.com/

Thank You