User Rating: 7 | Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode I IOS
This is a pretty good game. I have always loved Sonic, ever since the Genesis era, and "4" is pretty good, with it's flaws, of course. The speed is great, and the length made sense as it is part of a full game, but it does have a tendency to set you up for failure.

By setting up for failure, i mean since it's a fast paced game (which is fine, and i love that about it), but there are times where, unless you're psychic, you're doomed until the 2nd time around when you now know what to expect.

This is a fun game that i play fairly often, but the whole "surprise trap you're dead" approach wasn't there in the genesis games from what i remember, and it shouldn't have been included in this one, because it's a cheap way to add difficulty. Fun game though, give it a go!