Sonic Chaos Review. 5.5/10 Summer of Retro Gaming 2010
The gameplay of Sonic & Tails is just like all the other Sonic games, just down graded a bit due to the fact it was on the Game Gear. The levels aren't as fun and fast as they are on consoles, and turned more into a mundane trial and error type setup.
The audio side of this game is annoying. Play with the sound off. It's cheap little beeping songs due to how old the Game Gear is. Amazes me how bad sound quality was on a portable at that time.
The bosses in this game are wild and weird. Like not all of them are bad it just is much different then I remember them being on the Genesis. It's giant robotic bugs. And those are the decent ones. The Eggman(or Robotnik) boss battles are never fun and are such an uneven challenge.The difficulty in sections of the game like this sky rocket at times for no reason. Like the final boss for example, not only was he almost impossible to beat, but his difficulty was like going from Recruit to Veteran on Call of Duty. You had no rings(and I had stockpiled rings up at that time) and you had to hit him 15-20 times without being killed in one bullet. Then after you finally destroy his AT-ST style walker you chase after him for about five seconds without being able to attack him once you reach him, to be thrown into a cutscene of Sonic running after Robotnik, diving, and missing, and "TRY AGAIN" written in huge letters...
Do not even think of playing this game. Sonic fan or not. What a terrible game. I will not play as Tails in this game either.