It has aged, but not quite like a fine wine..
User Rating: 6.4 | Sonic the Hedgehog (Live Arcade) X360
The sonic series isn't quite like Mario, where every game was drastically different from the previous (Mario 1, 2, 3 and then the great World.) Being the first Sonic game does not make this the best, and frankly I think too much time has passed. If you've never played it before, then by all means you should at least try out the demo. They didn't build their trademark (Sega) off of a bomb of a game. However, I would suggest waiting or trying to find a compilation or try some of the other games, since 2, 3, and the legendary Sonic CD are more balanced and fun to play. It is one of the most famous platformers of all time, but that doesn't necessarily mean you should throw down $5 for it.