Definently kicks the crap out of Sonic the Hedgehog Genesis.
The original Sonic the Hedgehog has been rereleased, and that was a pile of crap. A year later, SEGA released Sonic the Hedgehog for the iPhone and iPod Touch. Is it broken? Let's find out.
As I said before, this game is a remake of the original Sonic the Hedgehog. The game that started it all. It still holds up well, because SEGA actually did it right.
The graphics look the same as they did for the SEGA Genesis. It adds nostalgia to this title.
The controls work well and are not broken! Okay, that probably sounded redundant. Anyway, there is a control pad and A button on the screen. You will use those to control Sonic. They work well.
In each zone, there are three levels, and at the end of the third level, a fight with Dr. Eggman. It's very simple.
In each level there are rings you can collect. If you are holding at least one ring, you'll keep going. If you get hit while holding no rings you will lose a life.
One of the problems that I had with this game is that there are no continues. If you lose all your lives you have to start from the first level, which is very frustrating because it is very hard to get lives. You can suspend the game, which is nice.
Overall, Sonic the Hedgehog was a nice breath of fresh air for a Sonic game. It is a must download for all Sonic fans with an iPod Touch/iPhone. The only downsides were that there were no continues, and also, the price. I think $6 is too much to be asking for a game on an iPhone/iPod Touch, but it is cheaper than the Virtual Console version, which costs $8.
This game gets a 9 out of 10 with the title of Superb!