Sonic The Hedgehog... The Original !!!

User Rating: 10 | Sonic the Hedgehog GEN
Sonic The Hedgehog...

for sonic, this is where it all began in the gaming world in 1991
Iv'e played it on sega pc, the mega drive, psp and probably at some point on a console somewhere. This really is what got me into sonic.

When i was younger, my aunty gave me a megadrive and sonic the hedgehog for it. Obviously, i'd heard of him and was overjoyed when i started playing.
I immediately liked the whole 2d platforming, most likely why i preffer the handheld releases to those realeased for the console.

If i'm right sonic started as a comic right, with metal sonic appearing in that.
Many believe that sonic is solely a video game and that metal sonic appears in 2001 in games like sonic heroes. If you've ever played sonic adventure dx, you'll be able to see an early video game interpretation of metal sonic still in Robotnik's lab at the beggining of E-103 Gamma's story.

anyways, we all know sonic so no real comments on the game specifically:

10/10 cause it started the ever popular franchise that is Sonic The Hedgehog...