The birth of a international icon of the Sega Corp.

User Rating: 9.5 | Sonic the Hedgehog GEN
When this game came out I was very young, too young to create a completely accurate review void of any form of bias but maybe that is what will make this review unique.

Music: High (level themes are unique)
Story: Low (unnecessary for the time and genre)
Sound: Excellent (iconic ring noises still exist today)
Game play: High (with the quality of newness, this game exhibited a quick, fun, similar platform to Mario, even associated with the title but somehow managed to maintain the stand alone image, the bosses and enemies were unique and rewarding to defeat, this also includes the bonus stages)
Replay: High ( due to a lack of story and other elements, it is easy for a person to re-immerse themselves into the game without the anchors of known story, unless of course the game play elements were not fun)
Single mode: Excelled (same as game play)
Dual mode: Nonexistent
Graphics: High (well drawn sprites and environments)
Controls: Above average (with the simplistic style of every button being jump and the forward and down being dash, this game would appear simple but later the abilities of the player would be tested to use these simplistic controls in complex situations)

I don't think I can ever enunciate the proper words that truly capture the original Sonic, but when I think about the experience then and even today I think of a fresh beginning full of wonder and excitement, where there seems to be an infinite well of renewable pleasure playing the same levels, the same bosses, regardless of it being the same or different ways. Sonic was the beginning for this reviewer so this obvious bias does not cloud my judgment but infatuates my excitement and expectations of the continued genre.