My First Ever Video Game Review
The game's story is about Sonic gaining the powers that he transforms into a werehog every night and when daytime comes, he's back to normal. I played the demo at a store before and it was fun and it was a blast!!!!!! I honestly know the reason why people dislike the nighttime stages is because of the controls and the combat rips off God of War. This game does not deserve a 3.5. It deserves a 9 point rating just like Sonic Adventure. So I'm gonna give video game grades like:
A: Outstanding
B: Good
C: Okay
D: Poor
E: Bad
F: Terrible
So this game will get an A++. I will also talk about the Voice-acting, Game-play, Graphics, Controls, Sound/Music and Lasting Appeals, and give them scores too and say the good and the bad for each video game I review. Here the results:
Voice-acting 8/10: Good voice-acting. Some gamers and/or fans may find Chip a cute character, some may find him the most annoying character of the game, but I find him cute anyways! :)
Gameplay 10/10: Very, very fun just because of daytime and nighttime stages and the sense of speed that Sega has came up with. The level design is absolutely pretty neat, including the daytime levels. The Werehog combat system is absolutely awesome and there's a lot of awesome combos to unlock. You can also explore new locations in hub worlds and the boss battles are stunning. The issue is that accessing levels requires a certain amount of Sun and Moon medals, which are collectibles to find in stages or hub worlds and the medals are difficult to find in daytime levels because of the fast pacing and level design.
Graphics 10/10: Graphics looking cool!
Controls 3/10: Sure the controls may be broken and sloppy, but the camera, however, gets in the way sometimes which is annoying.
Sound/Music 10/10: Very excellent! The soundtrack is wonderful.
Lasting Appeal 10/10: A really great game for the family!
Overall, Sonic Unleashed is the best Sonic game since Sonic Adventure.
The Good:
-Terrific sense of speed
-Nice, colorful graphics
-Amazing music
-Nice daytime level designs
-Stunning Werehog combat system with combos to unlock
-The ability to explore new locations in hub worlds
-Awesome boss battles
-The friendship between Sonic and Chip, and Chip is a very cute character
-So many extras to buy or discover
The Bad:
-Camera might be a problem
-Broken, sloppy controls
-Accessing levels requiring a certain amount of Sun and Moon medals and difficult to find medals in daytime levels due to the fast pacing and level design
You a Sonic fanboy/girl, you own a PS3, then this game is an absolute must to own to your PS3 collection. I'm a super, duper huge fan of Sonic. You should get it if you're a Sonic fan and if you have a PS3 and you'll enjoy it! SONIC RULES, so if you hate Sonic, then I suggest you to go f*beep* yourself. If you enjoy it more than the Wii version, then have fun playing it!
Sonic Unleashed on the PS3 gets a 10 out of 10!