is a good game.. but isn´t a sonic game you better keep your money or buy another sonic game like heroes!
at the start... all the tutorials they give you are too much and make you feel like a little kid! but that change when you advance some levels!.... the gameplay is great and is diferent from the others sonic´s games but it is still great!... the bosses are easy.. maybe you don´t have to worry about passing trought the levels. .. but you have to worry to make a good time and to collect all the moon badges. and. all the stages are detailed.. oh and the music of almost all the stages are great! not the same like the others sonic´s games.. but the music is ok!
-when you are fightning the combos and the the combination are great!!
-some sonic phrases are more cool
- 1 or 2 bosses are something tough the first time
now there goes the problems.....
-bad.. VERY BAD gameplay when you´re moving that dastard -very very awful music when you´re fighting with enemies (sounds like if someone is trying to raping sonic)
-almost all the musics of all the stages sucks!!
-you don´t have to worry if a enemy kill you... you have to worry if you get killed because of that awful gameplay
-some missions like: "don´t broke anything" (they must be called "don´t touch anything" jars block of ice...) are just awful and unnecesary
-the fight with gaia at the start is a pathetic copy of "punch out!", more slowly and never fun!!
-the second phase when you play with normal sonic is a good part!
-the last one with super sonic definitively easy. those rocks flying are just like evade the punches of a blind person.. but at least the music is awesome