Whoa! Wait up. Gamespot... I think you guy's just try to find things wrong with Sonic games. I'll show you a reveiw!
Well it looks like Dr. Robotnick's up to it again, silly man trying to take over the world. But it looks like the blue speedster isn't gonna let that happen, and you know what that means guy's :D ... no im not gonna fire my LAZARR! Instead im gonna be sonic and do what I do best, run through colorfull levels and collect rings that I dont understand their purpose or existance being all over the place, well anyway :D
Ok, Sonic Unleashed is a good game. It has a solid random story that seems pretty simple with some twists and turns. The beginnig scene starts off with Dr. Robotnick and his fleet of robots trying to make "eggmanland" (really now... thats a gay name ._. ) by taking over the world or something... I dont know... I lost track after Sonic 2006. But whats that in the distance >__>; Its Sonic :D... wait... how did he get in space ._.; So yadda yadda yadda, Sonic runs everywhere robots are xploding, Robotnick getting his butt whooped, and Sonic goes super in the beginning... wait where do the emeralds come from... Sonic doesnt wear pants ._.; Anyway, he chases him through space super and whatnot and gets him cornered. Robotnick traps Sonic and extracts the emeralds from him while he is super, in which I guess he uses the emeralds negatively and Sonic turns into a werehog ._. ( emeralds good and evil reference to SA1 or SADX ) So I guess werehog is revers for Super Sonic huh? Well anyway Robotnick hold the "A" button and fires his LAZARR :[ === at the planet and breaks it up into seven peice in which sonic has to get back together. Ya know the story if you play the game ._.
Day time hit:
So I started the level (finally) and come to the notice that... wow... Sonic is fast... and then I noticed... damn sonic is fast... then I noticed... Sonic needs some new shoes because the grip on these are worn BECAUSE YOU TURN LIKE SHADOW >:C
1.) Running
Thats right, the controls for running in my opinion are slick. Its like Sonic has has chosen to control like Shadow on his game, Its not bad for shadow because he has an excuse since his shoes are jetskates.
The 0-100 speed is kinda annoying too, especially when you want too stop all motion. Pleas retry by letting the people from SA1 or SA2 give a go at the running engine. Final score C
2.) Turning
The turning sucks. END OF STORY
It shouldnt take Sonic no time to turn, but apparently in this its like im playing the Ice level all over again. Ya know where it takes a while for Sonic to turn because he is slipping on a no traction area. D+
3.) 3D-2D
I have to say thats kinda neat and it adds a difference to the gameplay but at the speed Sonic is runnig... might wanna pull the camera back a little more so I can see whats ahead of me so that I dont loose my rings or die from falling off a cliff I couldnt see throu motion blur. People who did this get an B-
4.) Levels
They are good and provide a challenge on both sides though sometimes too short. Beautiful at that, the graphics team really outdid themselves with this one :D good job :D! A+
5.) New abilities
Ok so new ones this time around are Sonic boost, side step that helps a little, and Drift that makes turning even worse but helps some times. Score C
6.) Are the day levels fun?
Yeah, they are. But they're to short unfortunatly, and can get hard if you speed through them which will leave you with a bad score in the end. Score A-
Overall score: A-
The daytime levels are good and they have a certin style to them that makes it fun to play. Plus... SONIC CAN FINALLY RUN ON WATER >:O BOUT TIME! Oh and he's finnaly fast to the point of amazment. I like the boss stages for daytime as well too.
Night time Hit:
Not bad but really do we need this? I mean really... you could have added knuckles for this one. Just had the Classic Trio for this game.
Well when you first start off you dont really have a choice in combat, his running on all fours makes things a little more difficult especially when you wanna get from one enemy to another in a short amount of time. The fighting evolves over time.
1.) Fighting
Well this is new, and it doesnt seem all that bad cept that this is a sonic game and I wanna run ._. not fight. At least the fighting isnt all bad, the combat seems to evolve over time while you level up and whatnot. Something new that have been appearing in alot of games is the new reaction command that you can access through beating an enemy's brains out. This new style to Sonic is a little more advaced through other games period. How, well if you notice, if the enemies health is high and you are able to do it you have to have a quick reflex since the timer is based upon health. Over time you get more moves that deal much more damage and just lets you own the enemies and be the real "boss hog". Score A
2.) Levels
Ehhhh can drag on to over 10 minutes which is too long for me in a Sonic game, but I guess the only reason that this is like that is because of all the extra stuff you have to do like open this door and hit that button and all that good stuff... they give some challange, but get fustrating sometimes through stuff like cheap deaths like missing the jump or the moving platform. Score B+
3.) AI
Though not the smartest, the give you a challeng if you dont keep on them like white on rice. I've noticed that they sometimes fight like a team and that they really dont want you to pass on, which apparently is their goal. Thats right... you may get your butt handed too ya. Score B
4.) Is playing with werehog Sonic fun?
You might think not, but it is sometimes..... SOMETIMES.... but it grows on you. Its just the level and camera keeps me at an emotional distance sometimes. Score B-
Ehhhh I perfer day time levels, but its not all that bad. I mean it could have been worse... they could have given him a sword ._. oh wait