Finally Sega are bringing Sonic back to full form!

User Rating: 8 | Sonic Unleashed WII
It's no surprise that sonic games up till Sonic Unleashed have either been okay or sucky ass and we all know how Sonic next gen turned out. With Sonic Unleashed out I really think that Sega are bringing Sonic back to full form in the way we all remembered him but let's go back abit when Sonic Unleashed was still in production the stupid fanbrats of the Sonic fanbase didn't take long to say "THIS GAME IS GONNA SUCK!!!" The obvious reason? The werehog ofcourse. I won't lie to you guys I did think that the werehog idea for Sonic wasn't going to work but looking at it now I think the werehog is cool but enough talk about the werehog onto the game already.


In this story Dr Eggman is on his fleet of battleships, Sonic then battles the bloated villain in combat forcing Sonic to transform into Super Sonic this is actually the second time that we see Super Sonic in the opening cutscene since Sonic 3, Eggman lures Super Sonic, captures him and drains the power of the chaos emeralds and blasting the planet in pieces he then summons a final fantasy-esque like demon known as Dark Gaia. Eggman then dismisses Sonic who's now a werehog and sends him down to the broken planet who now has to restore the earth and restore the power of the chaos emeralds. Sonic meets a dog-cat like creature or whatever the hell he is and names him Chip seeing how "Chip" has a love for chocolate chip ice cream…...ofcourse.

This has got to be one of the best plots that Sega has come up with better than the older stories that they came up with the story between Sonic and Chip is very well executed it's like they are brothers on a world tour so the story is one of the best sonic plots if not done already a million times it sure is quite amusing.


Now the gameplay let's start with the daytime stages first and I got to say this: Oh my god what an improvement I mean Sega have finally got the gears working in their heads for once. The daytime stages handle a 2D and 3D perspectives kinda like Sonic and the secret rings and Sonic Rush. And guess what? Sonic's finally running at his normal speed again! Yes thank you Sega! Anyways the daytime stages offer brand new moves such as the side step which is really useful in the boss battles and a shame that we can't spin dash anymore, the boss battles here are just stupid and simple because all you have to do in the daytime stages with these bosses is just use a homing attack or just Sonic boost it to hell. Now moving onto something that you all have been looking forward to: What do I think of the werehog's stages? Well to be honest the werehog's stages are fun to play what angers me is that the reviewers have been slamming this feature I mean I played through the werehog's stages and I just don't see why they are complaining about this feature I mean as a fan of the DBZ budokai games I really love the werehog's stages. Ya know why? Because I get to kick dark gaia monster ass and beat the **** out of them. The main gripe that these reviewers tend to address is that the werehog is slow I disagree on that statement on many levels because think about it if Sonic were to pelt at full speed if he's in werehog form then he'd die during the stage which I learnt the hard way while playing through the werehog's stages. At times the werehog's stages do remind of Crash of the titans but a more opened version of it, moving aside from the werehog's stages we have the bosses in the night time stages now these bosses are a lot different in terms of the daytime bosses you actually get to do more than just run at them. Overall the gameplay is one of the strongest parts of the game.


Not much to say about the graphics though other than it's cartoony and looks beautiful for a sonic game especially how they animated the werehog's fur and how it's all detailed and all that but I will say this graphics don't make a good game sure they are there to make the worlds you play in enjoyable and wonderful but that's not the case when the game is **** But moving back on topic Sonic unleashed's graphics are decent for a sonic game that we have seen for ages.


Anyways moving onto the music what Sega did now for this game is instead of modern rock music in older Sonic games and they opt to go for an orchestra for this game. I think that Sega got inspired by Koji Kondo's music in Super Mario Galaxy they thought maybe orchestra is better than the music we already have let's put this into the game. And my god have they made a good choice with this just like Super Mario Galaxy the stages especially the night time stages are cool the soundtrack is decent enough for me to enjoy anyway.

Voice acting:

Now onto the voice acting once again the 4kids voice cast are in is this game like they have in the previous sonic games but the main question is: How did Jason Griffith do in this game? He's improved yeah from all the years I have been having a slight hatred for his Sonic voice he has actually improved but only justly because there are some areas in which he sucks at, his werehog voice is cool though so overall for Jason Griffith did an okay job as Sonic, Tails still sounds like a girl, Eggman's voice is still great, Amy is squeaky but I think Lisa Ortiz does a slightly good job as Amy but the biggest one who did a great job would have to be Dan Green he did a good job in putting on a British accent for Professor Pickle! Seriously that name is stupid it would make anyone laugh at it. Anyways the voice that sorta annoys me is Chip's I mean for godsakes he sounds like a midget version of Silver! The voice acting is restricted to brief bits of Gameplay and the cutscenes so overall the voice acting is sort of good in a good way.

Final Verdict:

For the most part Sonic unleashed is a great Sonic game I glad to say this Sega are finally coming to their senses and are bringing back Sonic in the way we saw him in Sonic 1 so if your looking for a good Sonic game then check this one out. To be honest I think Sonic and the black knight looks interesting but that's another review I'll do in the distant future.