I'd say it's super if you like a mix of speed and action but for some sonic lovers the werehog sections maybe a let down

User Rating: 8 | Sonic Unleashed WII
so far I like it it has a good variety of action and excitement but it is very easy to just put the wii remote down and want to play something else after three straight werehog stages in a row due to the fact that a normal sonic stage takes 3-4 minutes where as the werehog stages take 8-12 minutes and also the werehog stage lacks the sonic speed the we have all grown to like. But besides that the game has amazingly good sence sonic essence in the normal stages. Amazingly enough the graphics for the story mode is like it came out of hollywood, not to mension the story fits in very well and has the odd humours chuckle. One thing that does bug me is that the story is sometime so graphic that it might frighten young children which is OK but when it is rated G it is not the thing weak hearted kids would handle but for teens or adults it is really really cool so it should be G8+. It has a bit of a sad yet happy ending but i dont wanna spoil it for anybody. The controls are easy and hard at the same time for example you would be fine in normal mode just steering normaly for the first half but some mission require lots of handling abillity which can be hard at super sonic speed. It is rather clever for having continents based on real countrys eg Chun nun is based on China. The Boss fights in my book are the best due to you could be charging at Dr Eggman with super sonic speed in one lvl and slashing and pounding dark giai monsters the next.the good news is that all your fav sonic character play parts aswell such as tails, knuckles and Amy and a new friend Chip who helps and follows you through the game. On the whole it is a fun game but the werehog mode is little to be excited about.