Sonic Unleashed is probably the best 3D Sonic game in the entire series... but is that really saying much?
Sonic has been through a hard journey. Hard to believe that a series could survive this long on only about 5 really good games (And those were all 15 years ago). Yet, Sonic still remains one of the most well known and well respected characters, even if he is kind of a gaming "purist" punching bag these days.
I saw this game announced and as always I hoped for the best. The first couple of screenshots were great, and so was the trailer. Throughout the games development I was still excited as the game was shaping up to look great. I was a bit disappointed though when I saw the Crash bandicoot/God of War/Prince of Persia hybrid known as Sonic the Werehog though. Seemed stupid. Why change Sonic in such a way? Well whatever, I still had hope.
And then I played the game. And this is where the real review starts
Story 7/10:
Sonic games have never been much for story telling. This game follows the same basic plot of all the other 3D games. Robotnik wants Chaos Emeralds so he can feed some weapon which eventually turns on him. This time, Robotnik tricks Sonic into his laser thing. When the machine absorbs the emeralds, Sonic transforms into a werewolf of all things, and is sent flying back to earth. With the help of Chip, who is named such for liking Ice Cream, they go off to restore the Chaos Emeralds and the Planet to stop Dark Gaia.
Ok, pretty stupid, but it's a step up from previous Sonic plots as it's not super serious, angsty, and it doesn't contain making out between a hedgehog and a person. The game also cuts the characters down a bit. So well done Sega, you finally learned that putting 12 underdeveloped characters in a game is a bad idea.
BTW, I didn't know this through my first play through unfortunately, but you can skip the cutscenes. Hold start down for long enough (or press it 3 times, I forget which one) it is possible. I just found out too late.
Graphics 9/10:
This is one of the most beautiful games I've ever played. Even if you don't like it, you cannot deny how great the game looks. Sonic Team and Sega did a real good job developing the Hedgehog engine, and I really hope to see it in future titles. Granted, it's not perfect. Later levels in the game, such as Abadat and EggmanLand, experience slowdowns (Especially Abadat). The game also has framerate dips during Werehog fights when there are too many enemies on the screen. (These are less frequent if you install the game onto the harddrive, but Abadat is still pretty bad).
Also, this is the first Sonic game where the cutscenes are actually well made. The mouth moves properly, no choppy movements, no running in place. Also Sonic and the gang have in game models that no only look close to those of the CG cutscenes but also fit the characters perfectly. Remember how Sonic looked in Sonic 06? Ya I don't want to remember either.
I'm dividing this up into three catagories
Sonic Day time 8/10:
Sonic Team came very close with this one in my opinion. Only took them about 10 years to figure out a good 3D gameplay type, but it seems like they finally have the foundation done. Let's keep it that way please. The greatness of the gameplay can be seen when zooming for levels. New moves like the drift and quick step really help you move through levels, and the level design isn't as bad as previous Sonic games. Unlike the Wii version, this game has more hit and misses. Some levels are great, like Mazuri, Apotos, Empire City. Others like Abadat and Chun-nan suffer a bit due to water running (Water in 3D sonic games means Bottomless pits BTW) and some cheap gimmicks, especially in Abadat, where it seems like erupting water things get in your way. The Wii version has levels that are all safely in the middle. Nothing that wowed me though, but this review is about the 360 version.
Sonic moves a tad bit slippery when slow. They should really implement some sort of gear system for Sonic, like in a car. Jumping isn't too exact but with the homing attack it's not like that matters too much, unless you are doing some precision platforming, such as in Spagonia Act 2, which is hell on earth (This is really the only level which I refuse to play anymore. It's just bad). Despite the problems, the levels contain more paths than in the past 3D games, and Sonic has never played better in 3D. But he played a lot better in Sonic 3 and Knuckles. Also, the day time levels have some really fun and memorable bosses. Best bosses I've played in quite a while, possibly ever in any Sonic game, 2D included. But they should have mixed it up a bit more, having some fights involving you not running constantly.
Sonic Nighttime 5/10:
I didn't really hate this. As far as unnecessary padding goes, this is by far the best secondary gameplay type in a 3D Sonic game. But what is it really running against? Treasure hunting, mechs, shooting, fishing? Obviously it would do better than those.
The werehog starts off slow. Due to a level up system, you start off with the bear minimum as far as a move set goes. You have little combos, you're weak, and you can't go super charged (Unleashed) for very long. This makes the game run at a grueling pace. Since the enemies get stronger as you keep playing, it's still slow during your first play through. Playing the levels afterwards isn't so bad though. After you have fully upgraded the werehog, he moves quickly, and is really strong, making the levels ok to play, but it makes you think, why did I have to wait this long to actually enjoy the werehog and why would I want to play the level again? None of the levels are too bad, except occasionally non-responsive controls often get in the way (This doesn't happen too much, but it pisses you off enough when it happens). Bosses are ok. Nothing is too memorable as the werehog. Likely you'll find yourself playing this game just for the Sonic levels. I adjust to become good at whatever they throw at me, but that doesn't mean I bought the game for that type of gameplay. Is it great? no. Is it bad? Also no. It's just ok. Nothing that I would play again for another couple months (Unlike daytime levels. I pick those up every day or 2 for a quick run through)
Hubs 5/10:
Get rid of these please. They aren't bad, they just get in the way. I want to play a level! I don't want to run around hubs talking to people (As the gamespot review made people believe, they said that you had to talk to people. Not true. Only once do you have to talk to people. The rest is entirely optional, unless you're a completest like me). Navigation is pretty easy. Unlike Sonic 06, where the Hubs were massive and bland, these ones have character and pretty tiny. Getting to the Entrance stage is pretty easy. They tried to put a bit more stuff into the character's personalities this time around, which is always nice, but still unnecessary (Although I'll admit I did find it funny talking to the gay guy and the fat rapper in the New York level).
Entrance stages are fun. Basically, it's the only important part of the Hub. You run around to find level entrances. It's funner than it sounds don't worry. Either way you'll get to the level quickly... unless you don't have the right number of medals D:. You'll also find upgrades for Sonic's powers in these Hubs, kind of like in Sonic Adventure 1.
Music 9/10:
It's great, and pretty memorable. I put it right up with the soundtracks for the classics (Well slightly below anyways). The great thing is that they got rid of the crap rock for a more Sonic-y, upbeat type of Soundtrack. It makes the levels more enjoyable. Unfortunately, the Nighttime songs can't be enjoyed as much, because some repetitive jazzy battle theme comes on EVERY TIME you fight an enemy, which is a lot. So I suggest you get the soundtrack onto your system, and play the Night songs off of that.
Additional stuff:
Medal Collecting 2/10: It's not easy and not very fun to collect all 400 of these. The fact that they're required to unlock certain levels is bad. Very bad. Not rewarding either. Collect them all and you get achievements. That's it. D:
Experience points and level upgrades 6/10: Works pretty well. Better than the system in Sonic and the Secret Rings. But it's pretty pointless. If Sonic is the fastest thing alive why does he need to upgrade his speed?
So that's why I gave the game a 7. I do think this is the best 3D Sonic game, but that's not saying much. Almost every game before this was a glitchy mess, with Shadow the Hedgehog and Sonic 06 topping them all for awfulness. But this game did something different. It was a good attempt. It was made by a new Sonic Team. New director and some people fresh out of college looking to make some games, so they're still enthusiastic.
But it wasn't perfect. It may have been well executed but that doesn't mean the idea behind it was any good. Granted, Sonic turning into a werewolf turned out better than I could have ever hoped for, but why would you do that in the first place? Who thought that was good?
In closing I don't think this game is Sonic's triumphant return. But I no longer think that Sonic is on the path of destruction (BTW to the people who want Sonic to die... not seeing it, Not as long as he makes profit). This game is the start of the road of recovery. If a new team of a couple of inexperienced yet enthusiastic programmers under a first time leader that actually listened to the fans a bit can make what was the best effort for a Sonic game in about 8 years, I have faith that the next game will be even better.