Easily the best sonic since adventure 2. Own a wii? Get it, or at very least rent this title.

User Rating: 8 | Sonic Unleashed WII
I remember back maybe a year or a year and a half ago when the first details of this game came about. Needless to say I was not impressed by the details. The game in detail seemed to lack any fore thought, a werehog? Come on! However when the game was released I found it to be quite different, amazingly everything came together quite well.

The base story line didn't make much sense, but honestly I wasn't really looking for a good story when I asked for this game for Christmas. All you need to know is you are about to defeat robotnik when something goes wrong and sonic is launched to earth where it is broken into 7 pieces. In doing so you seemingly fell on a poor lad named Chip who can't remember anything about himself, at the same time you turn into a "werehog" at night.

Anyways, forget all that it doesn't matter. The games sonic levels are stunningly reminiscent of the original sonic games, at points I felt a bit nostalgic. You'll usually just run through the levels collecting rings to stay alive and use a boost to finish the level faster, on occasions you'll do a ring collection stage where you collect a certain amount of rings to move on and other times it'll be more time attack. All in all, the levels are fast, fun and interesting to play.

After you are done with the sonic levels you usually move onto the "werehog" levels, and I played the 360/PS3 version prior to the wii version so needless to say I figured I would be disappointed, but everything turned out better than expected. The controls were easy to learn obviously, and there are plenty of enemies to smack around. The stages usually finish up with a "grand finale" style fight where you take on about 20 enemies or so to really rack up those skill points.

The stages mesh a lot better than expected. While the regular sonic stages are great, the werehog stages are a great way to break up the action.

The bosses are a bit of a split, some you'll fight in werehog form and others you'll fight as sonic. All the boss fights are fought in different ways and they are a whole lot of fun to watch and play.

The sound is pretty good, it would have been nice if the wii was equipped with optical so you could experience true surround sound, but its not like this game has many gigantic explosions or war zones to really require it, all in all the sound is good.

The graphics for a wii game were quite well done. There will be edges I think could have been more rounded and some textures that I think could have been better, but honestly I don't expect the best graphics in any wii game.

All in all this wasn't the most perfect sonic game, but this definitely put sonic back on the map for me. Sega seems to be making more of an effort to revamp their image, lets hope they keep it up with more games like Sonic: Unleashed.

Buy it.