Grade: D-. A poor game which that I hoped would have stood.
The basic story is Dr.Eggman decides to split up earth into separate pieces and you as Sonic has to save the day once again, but this time with a change. Dr.Eggman has given you a curse of that during the night you will become a werewolf?… night hedgehog?... oh wait, I got it! A werehog! This now splits the game into two parts, speedy daytime play with good ol' Sonic, or slow paced fighting style werehog smash-em-up.
In the speedy Sonic levels, I have to admit it's not too bad, It's cool to see you sprint at 400 miles per hour through a city smashing scenery as you dash past it, but it does seem like some levels are way over difficult than others but the design is not what I have a problem with. It's the camera angle. Whether you're dashing through a forest or running toward a giant boss, you always get the feeling the camera is not where you want it to be, so in that case you could miss out on a jump by accident and fall to your doom or perhaps not see a flying missile coming towards you so you can't jump away. Not the most pleasing part of the game.
And if you thought that was a pain get ready for the super slow, (and I mean REALLY slow) werehog stages! This to me was an utter failure, It single handily got rid of all fun the game could potentially have had. You move at like 2 miles per hour and all you do is fight horde after horde of the same enemy and try and make you way through a gruelling maze of landscape using only your uber-stretchy arms, it's very tedious and those levels could have been shortened dramatically, taking over 15 minutes to complete a stage only half way through the game. You will find yourself easily bored doing these types of stages over and over again.
Also in-between the stages you do to build up story you travel to different places in the world, this is way too confusing and sometimes, well most of the time I haven't a clue where to go next?! Plus talking to a great deal of the public in what is supposed to be a fast like sonic game gets rather annoying after 2 or 3 times of doing so.
The Graphics of this game seem to be in pretty much good condition, the scenery is well laid out and the characters have good graphical designs so I cannot really criticise for that, for the sound track I found more or less average it didn't make my ears bleed to oblivion, but it wasn't a game that I would remember for its musical score. Unfortunately this doesn't make up for the sluggish gameplay they have created, I recon SEGA need to reconsider the word "fun" before trying to make another game similar to this.
The Bottom Line
This game was very disappointing and in my books not one to be recommended to many people, even if they are die-hard Sonic fans, I would stay clear from this for now and hope for a better future. Because of its decent graphics and ok soundboard this game only just scrapes the grade.
"Sonic Unleashed" is going into my books as a GRADE = D- (4/10)