Sonic, the way he should be!
Graphics: 10/10 – (Amazing! Enough Said)
The debut of the Hedgehog Engine. To be completely honest with you, I cannot find a flaw in these graphics. I cannot find any evidence of polygons. Aside from the fact that all of the people look like cartoons, this is the most realistic game I have ever seen. From what I understand, the Hedgehog Engine compliments the Havok engine by adding more detail to light and shadows, making them seem realistic when you move through them. Everything seems so vibrant and smooth, and to think they put so much detail into something you are probably only going to see for .01 seconds, unless you slow down and look. Amazing detail with reflections off the water. I don't think I can stop praising the graphics, so I'm going to cut it off there.
Game Play: 8/10: (During the Day, Sonic is the way he should be)
I know that is kind of stating the obvious a little bit when it comes to appearance, but when it comes to game play, this is exactly how Sonic games should operate from now on. Nighttime however, is quite unusual. You could probably feel my distaste for how often the werehog levels appeared in the PS2/Wii version, but since I'm not getting so sick of it playing this version, it's actually quite tolerable. I believe the interactive beat down cut scenes during some of the werehog bosses were a nice touch. It felt like I was making Sonic say, "Oh yeah, you're taking this one right in the face!"
Sound: 7/10 – (Once again, very cultural. A Nice Touch)
I love how they made the music very cultural to the areas in which you were playing. It was a nice touch. However some of the music just got too repetitive, so I started listening to some of my speed metal and thrash during the day stages.
Replay value: 7/10 – (If you're a visual adrenaline junkie, Sonic just doesn't get old)
I'm going to make this statement short and sweet. I'm still playing this game. I finished it weeks ago, and I still love it.
Story: 7/10 – (Straight forward, simple)
The story isn't too complex, which turned out to be a good thing. It kept me interested, and sometimes its nice to not have to repeat the same story over and over again through a different point of view. Once again, I hated Vantage Point.
Overall Score: 7.8/10 (Sonic, the way he should be)
If you are a Sonic fan who has yet to play this game, who is reading this review in order to decide whether or not this was a bomb or not, just take it from me. This game is worth buying, because you will not be able to put it down. The PS3/XBOX360 version is far superior to the PS2/Wii version, so I would definitely stick with this one.