game is not terrible but its not too great either,,first of it's fun second do not / do reinvent the weel here ,,
-- Sonic is Back In for some more Action
its a pretty good game to look at and impressive in many ways,,gorgous details and just about right amount of depht ,,.-
it handles the use of its gameplay and graphics and or engine pretty well but nothing too fantastic about that ,, though there are moments in frustration in the game ,,
all cutscenes are pretty fun and good to look at or should i say in-game movies ,,and they are also funny ;D =) ~~
Levels are pretty nice and good fun too play on ,,but story-mode is what keeps this b-ltch of a game alive ;) ,,
-- but the game suffers from two things dialogs are not pretty good ,badly done (no i dont means movie cutscenes),and also boring and a pain ,,to go ThRough ,,
,,second a little repative ,, but challange good enough ,,,,
all in all levels and things u can do in this game aswell as the story mode,,and all the nice touches,,and graphics and gameplay ,,and somewhat good graphical performance ,,(in-game play) ,,as well as gorgeous grahpics too look at ,bonus etc ,,
is just enough that this baby,,gets an 8.0, ,
but what is does is to Actually reinvent the weel At the Same time Not ,,some things are badly done in this game,,other things are pretty great ,,and fun ,,
and somewhat stays true to sonic,,but thumbs up for the risks ;p
c -ya =)