Excellent value with near limitless game play at a discount price which nostalgic gamers and curious youth can not miss
Each game is offered in it's natural, pixelated glory, but non-purists can also tweak each game to their liking. Those wanting to take advantage of their big screen TVs can stretch the image to fit their displays and turn on a glossy filter to smooth over the rough edges on the pixels. There is also a save-anywhere feature implemented on all of the games, making the frustrating, control-throwing induced game play easy to cope with.
The emulation on the games is top-notch per the usual work done by Backbone. There is a absolutely no slow down, and the graphics expand nicely to big screen TV's. However, there were a couple emulation glitches that I found while playing, such as graphical issues or raspy sound. Keep in mind though that these issues were few and none of which were game breaking.
The games are organized into a rather slick package as well. The overhead menu allows the user to rate each of the games to their liking and to sort the games in multiple manners. The only downside is that only a few games are visible at a time on the scrolling menu, so it is slightly tedious scrolling for a game in the long list.
For the value received from this deal, especially considering that many of these games sell for 5 dollars on the Wii's Virtual Console, this collection is a steal. For the nostalgic gamer looking to relive the past or the younger gamer wanting to know a simpler time in game play, this package is perfect!