Its a really good game with classic games reminds you of the old days go down memory lane
User Rating: 9 | SEGA Mega Drive Ultimate Collection X360
Well whats to say its a good game spent some time playing all day in my room even stayed up all night but it really takes you down memory lane playing your favorite game like mine was sonic the hedgehog 3 and sonic and knuckles my favorites remebering where a lot of stuff is playing the hard games and the easy ones then watching the review videos of the people that made the game seeing what they think about some of there creations of games and reading about the games history dont just play the game for the achievements play it for memorys or to know about the classic games that you never got to play some people will get addicted when they start playing it playing there favorite game either if its sonic the hedgehog or vector man or even alex kid you still be addicted playing it this game just make you want to play every single game in it and pass all of it even though you know it take days just to do that but you have to be really good to survive some games that do not have health kits or something but i think the only bad thing about the game is theres not more classic games in it there needs to be more for you to keep playing and playing over and over again its fun to go back like my brothers did but to my thoughts i whould have liked the game to be like you start the game and you walk into a museum as old sonic running around the museum looking at the gallery of the games history and how its made you then walk in different rooms you see the theme of the game in the room and you see the game in the middle of the room and thats how you play the game then theres a little movie theater that you can watch the video reviews of the creators in a door near the lounge in a different room and the museum is named sega museum but thats just how i whould like the game to be like but thats not how they made the game sadly hopefully they make another collection sega game like this it be much better then it already is well thats my review see ya later.