Still a sucker for the old school

User Rating: 8.5 | SEGA Mega Drive Ultimate Collection X360
This is sort of a redundant review. I've already reviewed the Sega Genesis Collection for PS2 and PSP. This has most of the games featured on that collection so that review still stands. What this game has besides is what makes it worth the purchase even if you already own the original. Featuring all the main Sonic games from the era alone makes it worth the trip (Sonic 1, 2 &3, Sonic and Knuckles, Sonic Spinball and unfortunately Sonic 3D). On top of that several of the games I felt the original was missing are now available here. All the Streets of Rage games, the Shining Force games (including the pseudo-prequel Shining in the Darkness), Alien Storm, Fatal Labyrinth, Beyond Oasis, and unlockable versions of the oringinal Phantasy Star and Golden Axe Warrior all help make this collection worth the 30$ price tag even if you've already picked op the original. For those that don't know the other highlights from the original it includes Phantasy Star 2, 3, and 4, Ecco the Dolphin and Tides of time, Vectorman 1&2, Comix Zone, Bonanza Bros, Columns, Shinobi 3 (and the original Arcade unlockable), Ristar, and a bunch of games I could have done without but are nice diversions now and again anyway. The fact that Eternal Champions still isn't included while turds like Gain Ground are still confuses me, but all in all a great collection of 40+ games none the less. As a cool bonus for 360 owners all the unlockable content also grant you achievements so there's plenty of reason to crank out the challenges. These games might not sway newer gamers who aren't into old school games, but for anyone else this will surely kill many hours of your life for a cheap price tag. I highly recommend.